Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Drew likes to swim

This morning we wandered around the island and we saw a group of school children exercising in a big yard. It was neat to watch. It was and is very hot and humid too, but they are obviously used to it. After exercising they are given free time to jump rope and play the Chinese yoyo. Drew saw a lady with an infant and he went up and played with the baby. Then he wanted to take their picture too. It was sweet.

After that we went back to the hotel, doing a little shopping along the way, and went swimming. Drew loved the water and was so excited. He slipped and went underwater which scared him a little, but didn't keep him out. He also doesn't understand that we just don't go up to others and splash them. He would splash me and I then splashed him back. He, however, figured out he could turn around, still splash me and not get splashed in his face. He is very clever. Also, when I said we have 5 more minutes until we get out, he said 6. He has learned how to bargain.

One thing I have to watch with him is his lack of fear. He loves to climb on anything and doesn't worry about getting hurt. He is very tough. He has bruises on his legs and I am sure he earned them all on his own.

He is resting now and at 3 we head to the police station to take his passport photo.

1 comment:

Jane Kramer said...

The pictures are great!! We're so happy for you!

Eli has no fear of getting hurt either, so they should get along well!

We can't wait to meet Drew!